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past celebrations that we'be been honored to have been a part of
favorite varieties, tips for designing, gardening fails... you'll find our love of blooms here!
our best tips when it comes to planning your wedding day
misc musting and thoughts
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There was a wedding I worked last summer at a beautiful new venue. It was owner operated and so I would also call her the venue coordinator. We talked about a ton of plans before hand and she had quite a few “particulars” that were musts on her lists to keep her venue in pristine […]
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Living in Michigan means that summer is a treasure. It flies by in a blink and we try to savor every minute of it knowing that chilly breezes, crunching leaves and the first flurries of snow are just around the corner, soon to be followed by mountains of white and sub-zero temperatures. So it’s no […]
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Spring brings a magical time when blooms are all about. I love finding excuses to drive by the orchards in all their flowering glory. The cherry orchards might just be my favorite as they remind me of my childhood trips to Grandma’s house but just about any flowering tree will bring a smile my my […]
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I’ve been working on several design plans lately. I love it when a bride comes to me full of the most perfect ideas you could ever imagine. Everything from the wedding party attire to the venue to the cutest wedding party favors all match and flow seamlessly, making her a dream to work with and […]
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There’s lots of talk in this industry about the “perfect” wedding. Whether it’s picture perfect or runs perfectly smooth, I think we’re given this false hope that if we plan correctly, hire the exact right vendors and read enough wedding blogs/magazines, then you’re day will indeed be perfect. I might have other ideas. I will […]
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There’s a line at the beginning of Dirty Dancing where Mr. Houseman is bragging a little about his daughters (if you’ve never watched Dirty Dancing – you can stop reading this right now, we are no longer friends!) “My Baby is going to change the world” “And what are you going to do?” (referring to […]
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I just had that “Holy crap, I’m 29!” realization. Now here’s the thing, I’ve been 29 now for almost 2 months but suddenly I feel like I’m 29… and next year…{gulp} I’ll be 30. So what does this mean? I’ve been out of high school for over 10 years. I can’t even pretend that I […]
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Life spins out of control pretty fast. Sometimes it seems like just stops and makes a complete 180 from where I thought it was initially headed. And the worst part? It’s completely out of my control! There are so many factors and variables that I deal with on a day to day basis, that I […]
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Hey West Michigan! Want to talk about the weather? Does anyone else feel like that’s the only topic being discussed right now? Yes we have snow… thanks for the update. Sheesh!! When I was younger, any time we were planning an event or family gathering in the winter my grandparents were always the first to […]