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My mom used to say that the older you get, the faster time passes. As a child who waited forever for Christmas morning, my birthday or out next vacation, I would inwardly always roll my eyes. She didn’t know what she was talking about. A year was 365 days regardless of your age and a […]
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This weekend we took down the Christmas tree. Packing away the Christmas tidbits is always a bit bittersweet. There’s a big empty space in my life. And then we started packing. Not just the décor, but packing up our lives. I feel like 2016 is a huge mass of unknowns for us. We’re planning a […]
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Photography: Eliza Jean Photography I like to start January off on a positive note. It’s a new and fresh year full of possibilities. But today my heart is heavy and optimism is eluding me as another member of my family went to their eternal home yesterday. It seems the past few Januaries have been challenging, […]