This weekend we took down the Christmas tree. Packing away the Christmas tidbits is always a bit bittersweet. There’s a big empty space in my life.
And then we started packing. Not just the décor, but packing up our lives. I feel like 2016 is a huge mass of unknowns for us. We’re planning a huge move without an exact destination determined yet. I have complete faith that it will all work out, but just the same the unknown is a scary place to be.
We’re stripping down to the bare basics. I’m living an undecorated life. That’s not an easy realization for me. Pretty things inspire me. I don’t deal well with living in ugly, chaotic clutter. I’m struggling with the idea that we may find a home without floral wallpaper, thick crown molding and crystal chandeliers. I’m seeking to find the beauty in the situation.
The new year is also the perfect time for my little blog facelift, which I’ve been envisaging about since last spring but struggling like crazy to make it happen. One of the biggest changes is actually quite minor, but I’m changing from a blog to a journal. So many of my post should really start with “dear diary” and I’m pushing myself to be more real, more open and more vocal on certain matters. Somehow having a journal seems more natural. I’ve had a journal ever since high school when writing was the only real way for me to clear my mind. My sporadic thoughts will continue, along with insights on moving, home buying and the redecorating journey. And of course this will forever and always be the home for wedding planning and flowers. Lots and lots of flowers.
2016 goals? Surviving and living to the fullest. I can’t be specific about my goals quite yet because I’m not sure where life is right now. I have lots of dreams though for the road ahead.
Photo above is by Cory of Weber Photography. If you find a house with beautiful moss like this is the greater Big Rapids area – call me! I’m on the hunt for my dream home 🙂
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