see some of our favorite eventss published across the web
places we've visited and adore
how we're making (and you can too!) our northern Michigan house a home
past celebrations that we'be been honored to have been a part of
favorite varieties, tips for designing, gardening fails... you'll find our love of blooms here!
our best tips when it comes to planning your wedding day
misc musting and thoughts
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I’ve had shift in the past few years on how I think about love and how I can share that with people beyond my household. Love is a lot of things, the ways you can describe it are seemingly endless. But one way that seems to sticking with me lately is the selfless nature of love. Thinking beyond your own needs, wants and desires and putting others first. That is love.
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Sometimes I like to live in this blissful little bubble filled with peonies and silk ribbons. I like the stare at the autumn leaves and think that the pending winter season should be the biggest worry on my mind. And that quickly turns my thoughts to roaring fires and big fluffy snowflakes gracefully making their […]
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I’ve been working with Anchor & Ink on a new logo design for a couple months now. Chelsi oozes talent – her painting, her lettering, it’s all simply fabulous. I approached her because I don’t feel my current logo, and complete branding/business for that matter, truly represent me. Now I know I’ve rambled on before […]
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I had a bad day today. Baby girl was being super fussy, I was late for a meeting with a client (which I hate, hate, hate!) and I was trying to get some work done and figure out what to blog. On top of it all, I was working on finances, which is stressful in […]
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As I was sitting in church Easter Sunday, thinking about the violent and gruesome details surrounding the death of our Savior, I could not help but wonder where did this cheery, pastel, Easter bunny, egg loving version of Easter come from? While I do agree that Easter is a cheerful occasion, as the darkness that […]
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Do you know who you are? I mean, really know who you are??? Think about what makes you tick, your motivation in life and where you are headed down the road. Now list three words or phrases that describe you (don’t think real long, just quick, what first jumps into your mind?) Was one of […]
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What’s in that box??? I’ll get to that, but first… I need to say thank you! I am so stickin’ excited about the launch of my new website last week and my blog this week… I’m still over here doing a happy dance, and I can’t seem to wipe this silly grin off my face! […]