I had a bad day today. Baby girl was being super fussy, I was late for a meeting with a client (which I hate, hate, hate!) and I was trying to get some work done and figure out what to blog. On top of it all, I was working on finances, which is stressful in both my personal and business life. I’m trying to build a business based on love, commitment and happily ever after – not an easy task when you’re having a “bad” day.
And then I was faced with a huge reality check. The news is blasting stories about the tragedy in Boston. Life is suddenly put back into perspective. I am having a bad day? I don’t think so! I cannot imagine living through an event such as the disaster at the Boston Marathon. What evil has overcome the world?
There are people every day that live in constant fear and uncertainty. Victims of hurricane Sandy are still homeless, parents in Newton are still childless and those in Boston are being warned to stay away from crowds and stay indoors because who knows what will happen next. In a flash, life was changed forever.
Meanwhile, I am nice and warm on my sofa staring at flowers and home décor ideas, wishing my Pottery Barn pillows were a different color. What a spoiled little American I am!
While we cannot live our lives in constant fear, we also need to realize that any moment could be our last. Snuggle with your children, your husband/significant other and don’t push those relationships away. Don’t put things off until tomorrow. Call your mom. Have the lonely neighbor over for coffee. Tell your sister that you love her. Nurture broken relationships. Find balance in your work and personal lives. Sign off from social media and have a real conversation with someone. Do not take tomorrow for granted and make every moment count.
This pep talk is designed to be motivation for myself, just as much as anyone else. Yes, I am guilty of not taking my own advice. But stop and think, what are the moments in life that I am missing?
Just a few Instagram moments that I am glad I did not miss this month… I have the best family! What moments are you thankful for???
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