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Leelanau Wedding | The Day's Design | Ashley Slater Photography

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In 1985, two very non-adventurous and unspontaneous people set out for a trip to the Leelanau Peninsula and ended up purchasing a very small house on Lake Leelanau.  What came as an initial shock to their family, turned out to be one of the best decisions they ever made, shaping the lives of future generations […]

Leelanau Ties

Jul 21

Life Adventures

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When I was first married, my mother told me that the first 7 years would be the hardest.  Yesterday, we officially hit that seven year mark.  While I certainly don’t know what the next 7 years hold, I can say the past 7 haven’t been without their challenges.  But with challenge comes triumph and these […]

7 Years

Jun 20

Life Adventures

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Home is where the heart is.  Do you believe in that sentiment?  Have you ever longed to go home – even though you’re sitting in your own house, apartment or whereever else you might currently reside? I live in Grand Rapids.  I suppose I should call it home. But my soul is wondering free somewhere […]

Simply Blue Weddings

Mar 2


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I just had that “Holy crap, I’m 29!” realization.  Now here’s the thing, I’ve been 29 now for almost 2 months but suddenly I feel like I’m 29… and next year…{gulp} I’ll be 30. So what does this mean?  I’ve been out of high school for over 10 years.  I can’t even pretend that I […]

I am 29!!!!

Mar 6

Life Adventures

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