Jun 11

The Best Laid Plans

Pink & Purple Peony Centerpiece

Its peony season here in West Michigan.  It’s also time for me to prepare for my small part in  Bloom the Workshop.  How lucky could I possibly be that fate would bring these two happy occasions together in the same week!?

I have one sad little peony bush in my back yard.  She’s slow to bloom and doesn’t produce many buds.  But each year she comes back and brings me so much joy.  And each year I’m stuck with this dilemma, to pick the flowers and bring them inside to enjoy for a fleeting moment in time or leave them on the bush – where I’ll see them much less but their loveliness will live on a little longer.

This year I decided that they would have a special purpose.  They would be enjoyed by others and I would bring them along with me to Bloom the Workshop.  They would live long after they’re gone in the memories of all my new creative friends. 

In addition, I’ve spent my week scouting out the best roadside/garden side/woodland greens and blossoms to add to the ones that will my arriving shortly at my doorstep from my wholesaler.  I never order all of my flowers from a wholesaler – I need to touch, feel and explore to make my creations perfect.  I had a plan, a picking spot and even a travel route all schemed out.

And then came the rain.

My poor little peonies are sadly smushed to the ground.  And while I haven’t exactly explored my other flowers which I was sure to forage – I have a sinking feeling that all their sweet little petals might not be in tack.  What’s a girl to do?

I sadly made my way to the farmer’s market this morning in hopes of finding some fresh cut loveliness like I found the week before, only to find the stalls empty.  So now friends, I have a mission.  And I don’t know yet how this story is going to end or where my travels today might take me.  All I know is that sometimes the best laid plans fail but I will not.  I promised to deliver some gorgeous arrangements to Bloom and I don’t break my promises.


Above is a little something I put together earlier this week — and I might have snagged the image from Bloom’s Instagram feed.  Be sure to follow along with me @thedaysdesign or the workshop directly @bloomtheworkshop


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