see some of our favorite eventss published across the web
places we've visited and adore
how we're making (and you can too!) our northern Michigan house a home
past celebrations that we'be been honored to have been a part of
favorite varieties, tips for designing, gardening fails... you'll find our love of blooms here!
our best tips when it comes to planning your wedding day
misc musting and thoughts
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We’ve moved towns twice in the past 3 years. That means both our family and my business. It means getting the word out, hoping success will follow, networking, rebranding and letting a new area know who I am. It’s not easy. And doubt has been creeping in… how do I make it all work? There’s […]
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The definition of success has been on my mind a lot lately. And to be honest, there are days I don’t feel very successful. There are days that I struggle, need all the pep talks in the world and still can’t find my motivation because it seems like I might never be successful. The future […]