the journal

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Marriage is Forever | TownLine Journal

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A couple days ago I was watching some mindless entertainment brought to you by the wonder that is Netflix.  It was a show that was meant to be funny and fairly lighthearted but of course for entertainment value, there’s always a little drama.  This particular episode was centered on a husband and wife and a […]

Marriage is Forever

Feb 18

Marriage Study

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Marriage Study | TownLine Journal

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Working in the wedding industry means I’m surrounded by weddings and marriage all the time.  I devote my weekends in the summer to celebrating with couples and those long winter days to helping them decorate and plan.  But those days are devoted to the wedding, not the marriage.  We often use those words together, understanding […]

Planning Marriage

Dec 4

Life Adventures

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Row boat engagment session

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When was the last time you sat and analyzed your naked self in front of a mirror?  I can’t speak for everyone, but for me, this is something that I’d rather not do.  I have no interest in staring at my flabby belly, seeing the cellulite on my thighs or analyzing my less than toned […]

Marriage Study :: Mirrors

May 22

Marriage Study

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Marriage Study | TownLine Journal | Cory Weber Photography

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First off, I think it’s very important to understand that marriage was created by God.  It’s not just a piece of paper created by the government legally binding two people together.  God created woman for the man, she should be by his side. The purpose in pointing this out is not to launch into a […]

Marriage Study :: Why Marriage??

Mar 1

Marriage Study

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