I have a confession. I never dreamt of being a mother. Now don’t take that wrong, I love my girls and wouldn’t trade them for anything, but it was never a lifelong ambition of mine to become a mother. I had other thoughts and goals for the future and while I thought I wanted to get married and have a family, there was a point where I thought I might just rather live on my own.
Sometimes I think it’s better not have things all figured out. While it’s great to have goals and dreams, achievements to strive for, I also think that flexibility is huge. When things don’t go my way, I will admit, I get a little bent out of shape. So perhaps it’s good that I didn’t have that chapter of my life all drafted out.
I also never thought I’d find myself living in Big Rapids. I had never considered having blonde babies or a little girl with blue eyes. Never in my wildest dreams did I consider being a work from home mom, I thought I was too much a of busy body for that. Yet all these things came true and I have a happy life.
So when you think your life is heading the wrong direction, things aren’t going according to plan or if you can’t even come up with a plan, it’s okay. It’s alright not to know what the future will hold. The most important things to hold onto are one another.
All pictures from our mommy & me session last month with Kellie of Hetler Photography. If you’re never don’t a photos session with your girls, do it. I love photos of my entire family but there’s something special about a mommy and her little girls.
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