I’m so thankful for the sunshine and milder weather that has finally reached us here in West Michigan. I think Polly (my cocker spaniel) is pretty thankful as well. We’re finally able to step outdoors without having to be completely bundled head to toe, and as we do every spring, we’re on a quest – searching for new life.
I’m sad to say that as of 3:30pm on March 18, I have no notable findings to report. Brown, matted grass covers the vast majority of the landscape with a few lingering snow piles scattered here and there. Puddles still fill the ditches and tree branches remain barren, with the exception of a few shriveled berries left behind by the birds.
I’m not going to hide my jealousy for our neighbors to the south. I’ve seen peeks of forsythias and daffodils beginning to fill my feeds. However, I feel that this just fuels hope. Spring will arrive as it always does, fashionably late. It will be worth the wait, and we will be thankful after a long cold winter.
In the meantime, the only new life to be spotted is here in my home. I can tell by the increase of blog hits that I have a few nosey readers who are all patiently (or not so patiently!) awaiting a glimpse of the newest addition to our family. Right now my life consists of babies, bliss and blooms. I’m happy to introduce little Willa June. She’s one week old today.
Photography: Hetler Photography
Congrats on your new addition.