It’s often assumed that once the wedding is over, the role of a planner is finished. They’re married, everyone partied and now everyone has gone home. For me the day’s following an amazing celebration are a couple of the most dreaded. This is what your wedding planner does after the wedding.
Saturday night – CRASH!! The End.
Sunday – try to conquer the wedding hangover. The struggle is real, even if though this is a non-alcohol induced hangover. Every Sunday after a wedding I always feel like I’ve been hit with a Mack truck and am barely able to pull myself off the sofa. My feet are screaming, my head and body ache and my mind is a fuzzy cloud of blurry yet amazing details from the night before. So I patently wait for a couple of sneaks on social media from the night before and Instagram a few of my own, or at least get the posts ready for Monday since Sunday technically is the day of rest and I try to take the day off.
And then it’s Monday. Monday is definitely not a favorite day of the week for me, but the Monday after a wedding weekend is the absolute worse. First off, there’s the inbox to be tackled. Inevitably while I’m out Friday and Saturday in preparation and planning mode, I get more emails than ever before – new inquiries and networking request, some vendor love, etc. I’m so grateful for these, however the timing could just be a touch better. So scratch a couple hours out of my day for those. Then I need to write myself a to-do list, I’m bound to forget something and should probably have figured out my priorities before I started my day, but hey, late is better than never.
Then I should unpack. Ugh… I despise this part of my job. Without doubt, my Tahoe is always loaded to the brim with extra flowers, vases, dirty linens, an emergency kit and crates chucked full of wedding goodness and possibly a few rental items to be returned. I do not travel light. Once it’s hauled into my house, let the sorting, cleaning organizing and dragging to the basement begin.
Brew more coffee.
Determine what rentals need to be returned first thing. Stop my organizing because I totally missed something that must be returned by 5:00 and it’s probably nearing 3:30 at this point. Throw on some quick mascara and real pants (because I’ve not left my house yet and am still enjoying the comforts of my pj’s). Frantically rush out wondering what else I can do as long as I’m out in the world and dressed.
Upon my return I will be too exhausted to continue my organizing and forgo my project in favor of returning to my inbox and fixing Gretta a snack, since she will no-doubt be starving from our excursion, in which I had to drag her along. Stare at the rest of my non-sorted pile willing it to put itself away. Check social media for the 4th time today making sure there isn’t a pro photo wondering around the web (or something else fabulous that I missed) from over the weekend.
Promise myself to accomplish more on Tuesday. Tomorrow is another day.
Speaking of things I missed over the weekend – my Modern Fairytale inspiration shoot (with Heather Cisler Photography, Bianka Bridal, Emilime Designs and A Piece O’Cake) was featured on Artfully Wed Friday. Go check it out, it was a double feature week – so exciting!
Happy Monday!!
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