see some of our favorite eventss published across the web
places we've visited and adore
how we're making (and you can too!) our northern Michigan house a home
past celebrations that we'be been honored to have been a part of
favorite varieties, tips for designing, gardening fails... you'll find our love of blooms here!
our best tips when it comes to planning your wedding day
misc musting and thoughts
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It’s now the time of year when I’m wrapping up wedding season, summer days have gone by and I’ve started to embrace that cozy late autumn (and even Christmas!!) mindset. My flipflops have been traded for tall boots and my t-shirts have all been tucked away. At the same time, I’m chatting with brides who […]
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Spring brings a magical time when blooms are all about. I love finding excuses to drive by the orchards in all their flowering glory. The cherry orchards might just be my favorite as they remind me of my childhood trips to Grandma’s house but just about any flowering tree will bring a smile my my […]