see some of our favorite eventss published across the web
places we've visited and adore
how we're making (and you can too!) our northern Michigan house a home
past celebrations that we'be been honored to have been a part of
favorite varieties, tips for designing, gardening fails... you'll find our love of blooms here!
our best tips when it comes to planning your wedding day
misc musting and thoughts
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Welcome back to our little working with a wedding planner series. If you need a recap before you fulling plunge into part 3, you can read part 1 and 2 here and here. And now moving forward with all the pretty details… Photography: Ashley Slater Photography | Floral Design: The Day’s Design What in the […]
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There was a wedding I worked last summer at a beautiful new venue. It was owner operated and so I would also call her the venue coordinator. We talked about a ton of plans before hand and she had quite a few “particulars” that were musts on her lists to keep her venue in pristine […]
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Photography: Ashley Slater Photography Somewhere between pretentious corporate event planner and “I planned my sister’s wedding so now I’m an event planner” – on the side, is where you’ll find me… with a bouquet of flowers in my hands. I am a small business owner and boutique wedding planner, specializing in one of kind celebrations. […]
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Winter is the season for dreaming. It’s cold, gloomy and I’m stuck in the house because I’m too much of a wimp to try and bare these subzero temperatures. So my imagination naturally takes over. I start dreaming of warmer times ahead, summer blooms and what’s next for The Day’s Design. I start creating inspiration […]
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I have goals, both in business and in life. I’m not very vocal about these goals even though I’ve heard from numerous sources that voicing them will help you to achieve them. I’m the exception to this rule. I’m the girl who just feels even more miserable about herself when I fail and feels like […]
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Photo by Hetler Photography Yesterday I posted a little tidbit on my Facebook page about my love for ribbons. When it comes to ribbon on a bouquet for me it’s simple (kind of), the more the merrier and the longer the better. I spend just as much time picking the perfect accent colors, textures and […]
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It’s no secret that I love the art of floral arranging. I can’t seem to get enough of designing with pretty blooms and I sincerely hope that this always holds true and never becomes a burden or a chore because it is my “job”. While making big, lush arrangements is one of my favorite things […]
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Its peony season here in West Michigan. It’s also time for me to prepare for my small part in Bloom the Workshop. How lucky could I possibly be that fate would bring these two happy occasions together in the same week!? I have one sad little peony bush in my back yard. She’s slow to […]
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The last couple of days I’ve been a little Pinterest obsessed. I had gotten away from it for a while but it really is a great resource for capturing ideas that you love. Generally as I’m out and about in on the world wide web and I come across a picture, a bouquet or whatever […]
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A couple weekends ago I was able to show my grandpa (who barely even knows what the internet is, much less how to actually use it), my website for the very first time. He has heard me talk about my photo shoots and weddings but never completely understood the extent of what I actually do. […]