Easter sure is going to look different this year. No big family gathering. No big church breakfasts. No sunrise services. No connecting with others. It seems so strange to think about celebrating alone.
Visions of frilly Easter dresses and egg hunts have vanished. The normal Easter baskets are going to be a little less stuffed. It’s like Easter, stripped down.
I suppose that means we could focus on the true meaning of Easter. The reason that we have hope. Because that’s something no one (not even quarantine or executive orders) can take away from us.
But on the subject of quarantine and wanting to keep a little “normalcy” in our lives, I’ve been brainstorming how to do some of our traditional activities, even if they do have to be tweaked a little.
I don’t have any egg color kits laying around my house and won’t be making any trips to the store to grab one. The last couple of years we’ve played with natural dyes and have loved the results. We’ve used onion peels, beets, cabbage, tumeric and coffee grounds, which has been not only fun in coloring but also in learning what colors these common items can produce. Fresh produce might be in short supply (although coffee grounds and onion skins can definitely be found around our house), so we might even further our creativity.
Decoupage eggs are also fun to make. Or just regular old craft paints. Look around your house and utilize what you have, watercolor paints, chalk paint, spray paint, gold foil – the idea is to have fun! My only word of caution, if you’re planning on eating your hard boiled eggs afterwards, make sure your art mediums are non-toxic 😉
We’re not all running to the stores finding the perfect giftable options. And perhaps you don’t even have a basket laying around to still all the goodies into.
Last year, I used upside down umbrellas instead of baskets. Not only was is super cute, if gave the girls another gift. Some other ideas could be using kitchen bowls, new bike helmets or jewelry or trinket boxes you (or your kids) already own.
I think crafting activities and outdoor toys are more essential than ever this year. Think paints, colored pencils, sidewalk chalk, coloring books, yo-yos, gardening supplies, bubbles or anything that encourages outdoor play and less screen time or boredom. Amazon has a ton of options and of course Target is still shipping for those of you still taking advantage of online shopping.
(For those curious, in these baskets each of my daughters recieved one of the Classic My Little Pony 35th Anniversary Edition, Gretta recieved a rainbow keychain for her backpack, a jumprope and candy. Willa June recieved a small metal watering can, a miniture gardening set (from last year’s Target dollar spot) and more candy. The umbrellas were from Pottery Barn Kids. Shopable links are provided for reference only and are not affiliates.)
Because this is what the day is actually about, I encourage you to gather whoever lives in your house together and worship. Whether that means watching church online together, taking advantage of a drive-in church service so you can wave at your neighbors from car to car, or hosting your own private sunrise service in an empty garden or even your own back yard. You can certainly keep it simple, God knows our hearts. But I also think it’s a good time to still dress up and show Jesus the respect and honor he deserves. I don’t know about you, but things have been pretty casual around our house lately, getting fancy for a day might just set the perfect mood.
I’d love to hear how you’re planning on celebrating! I’m always looking for more creative ideas as my wheels have just begun turning. If you’re looking for more Easter inspiration, here’s an Easter/Spring inspired tablescape from a couple years back and a look at our real Easter celebration in 2018. Enjoy!
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