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past celebrations that we'be been honored to have been a part of
favorite varieties, tips for designing, gardening fails... you'll find our love of blooms here!
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I’m still in awe of the fact that there are only 3 days left in 2017. So naturally, my mind has starting reflecting on the past year and thinking ahead to 2018. There’s something so refreshing about January, I feel like it’s full of possibility and its own sense of wonder and sparkle. By February, […]
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It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the landscape around here changes. A mere month ago, I was driving down roads framed by tones of amber, chartreuse and gold. They all seemed to mimic the sun’s golden gleam and although the days were cool, the scene would instantly warm me. Now here we are, […]
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It’s been awhile since I’ve shared an inspiration board on here. It’s not because I haven’t been creating them, because I certainly have. They’re an amazing tool to help keep your planning on track. Sometimes the process of wedding planning can become so overwhelming and there are so many ideas out there, and directions that […]
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Last month Josh and I celebrated 7 years of marriage. I was asked what the secret is. I don’t really think there’s a secret to making a marriage last but if I had to sum it up, I might use words like stubbornness or persistence. You have to refuse to give up, even when the […]
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In 2014, I attended my very first floral workshop with Kelly Perry of Philosophy Flowers. She became the sweet voice of encouragement that believed in me, and pushed me to believe in myself. I nervously signed up for her Team Flower Workshop not really knowing where I was heading, but understanding that there was a […]
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Oh the woods of Northern Michigan. They’re magical, poetic, rustic and elegant all at the same time. They form a picturesque backdrop, allow beams of enchanting sunlight to pop through and form the most natural carpet of ferns and forget me nots on their floors. The dancing leaves host the perfect celebration. This quiet morning […]
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Recapping back to the first part of this post, local flowers are always seasonal but seasonal flowers aren’t always local. I think there’s a lot of confusion within those terms as many designers use them interchangeably (I’m guilty too!) Here are some ways that I would further like to differentiate, why I don’t rely solely […]
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My mom used to say that the older you get, the faster time passes. As a child who waited forever for Christmas morning, my birthday or out next vacation, I would inwardly always roll my eyes. She didn’t know what she was talking about. A year was 365 days regardless of your age and a […]
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Christmas is only 4 days away. I can scarcely believe it! I thought I was so ahead of the game this year, I had all of my personal shopping done and gifts wrapped by December 5th. It seemed like I was right on track. But December has once again sped past and here I am, […]
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It seems like a pretty straight forward question and answer. As a bride, you have a bouquet and as a floral designer, I’m going to encourage you to have flowers around you as often as possible. But even with something as simple as a bridal bouquet, there are logistics and moments of practicality to consider […]