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Sometimes I like to live in this blissful little bubble filled with peonies and silk ribbons. I like the stare at the autumn leaves and think that the pending winter season should be the biggest worry on my mind. And that quickly turns my thoughts to roaring fires and big fluffy snowflakes gracefully making their […]
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As we’re all perfectly well aware, this is the time of year that we’re all supposed to be thankful. I’ve been trying for well over a week now to put together a post on gratitude and thankgiving. I wanted to write something profound and moving. I’ve put together draft after draft and had even committed […]
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Photography: Bradley James Photography Returning gifts, cancelling plans, pleading with vendors for a refund, thousands of dollars lost, returning your ring – cancelling your wedding is a horrid chapter of life and a very humbling moment in your story. After my last post, someone mentioned how proud I should be that I was able to […]
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Photography: Kelly Sweet Photography This is a subject that’s been pulling on my heartstrings for awhile. However, since wedding blogs are supposed to be this blissful happy place it never seems appropriate to bring up the harsh reality that even when you said yes, you may not fulfill that journey down the aisle. I had […]
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Photography: Hetler Photography I entered an Instagram contest. And while I don’t have a large following, I’ve built up enough that I feel like I have to be very intentional about what I post and I’ve come to the point in business that people actually start to recognize me out in the public and may […]
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Sunday I awoke to a nip in the morning air. It had the crisp, clean and fragrant smell of summer with the chilling temperatures of fall. It almost felt as though autumn was closing in upon us or perhaps I had traveled north to the place where my dreams often take me. It felt like […]
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January always brings memories of my Grandma; it was her birthday today and the anniversary of her passing earlier this month. She had a huge impact and influence on my life. I loved her so much and wish all the time I could call her up, sit and have a cup to tea (or toast […]
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Photography: Eliza Jean Photography I like to start January off on a positive note. It’s a new and fresh year full of possibilities. But today my heart is heavy and optimism is eluding me as another member of my family went to their eternal home yesterday. It seems the past few Januaries have been challenging, […]
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“We believe in the kingdom come, We believe in the risen Son, You bring our hearts to life.” This is the anthem that’s been ringing through my head this week. And while this isn’t exactly a Christmas song, is it connected to the holiday theme. It’s because of Christmas that we can sing this at […]
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Dear Christmas Tree, You are without doubt my biggest joy throughout the holiday season. I love to peer upon your loveliness and watch your lights twinkle. I eagerly wait in anticipation for that glorious day in November when it’s no longer “too early” to proudly pick you up from the lot and bring you home […]