collections  /  classic white

Shades of white, ivory and green come together in this elegant classic. The Petite Bouquet features approximately 15-20 stems of flowers, foliage and textural accents. Each bouquet is thoughtfully designed just for you and then tied with 1.25 inch wide, 100% silk ribbon.

Each bouquet is a unique design. The pictures to the right are provided for inspiration, but the actual ingredients will change depending upon availability and Michigan’s changing seasons. See full details below.

Classic White Petite Bouquet


Each bouquet includes approximately 15-20 stems of seasonal flowers and foliage, depending upon the actual bloom size. If multiple bouquets are ordered, they will be similar but not identical.  Think of them as sisters, not twins.  


Flower varieties might include: white roses, tulips, poppies, white daffodils, spray roses, eucalyptus, spiraea, carnations, stock, daisies, flowering branches, bunnytail grasses or other seasonal options. 

The Petite Bouquet is a beautiful smaller bouquet option for bridesmaids or a thoughtful gift. Depending upon your use, we will either provide a clear glass vase for transporting or wrap it up in beautiful floral wrap papers as a striking giftable option. 

how to use